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Pramonės naujienos

  • In 2022, Mars launched the first M&M's chocolate packaged in degradable composite paper in China. It is made of degradable materials such as paper and PLA, replacing the traditional soft plastic packaging in the past. The packaging has passed GB/T The determination method of 19277.1 has verified that under industrial composting conditions, it can degrade more than 90% in 6 months, and it will become non-biologically toxic water, carbon dioxide and other products after degradation. ,
  • Kinijos PVC eksportas pirmąjį metų pusmetį išlieka didelis.

    Kinijos PVC eksportas pirmąjį metų pusmetį išlieka didelis.

  • Polypropylene (PP) is a tough, rigid, and crystalline thermoplastic. It is made from propene (or propylene) monomer. Ši linijinė angliavandenilių derva yra lengviausia polimeras tarp visų prekių plastikų. PP ateina kaip homopolimeras arba kaip kopolimeras ir gali būti labai padidintas su priedais. It finds application in packaging, automotive, consumer good, medical, cast films, etc. PP has become a material of choice, especially when you are looking for a polymer with superior strength (eg, vs Polyamide) in engineering applications or simply looking for Sąnaudų pranašumas liejimo buteliuose (palyginti su PET).
  • Polyethylene (PE) , also known as polythene or polyethene, is one of the most commonly used plastics in the world. Polietilenai paprastai turi linijinę struktūrą ir yra žinoma, kad jie yra papildomi polimerai. Pagrindinis šių sintetinių polimerų pritaikymas yra pakuotėje. Poliethelynas dažnai naudojamas plastikiniams maišeliams, buteliams, plastikinėms plėvelėms, konteineriams ir geomembranoms gaminti. Galima pastebėti, kad daugiau nei 100 milijonų tonų polieteno yra pagaminta kasmet komerciniais ir pramoniniais tikslais.
  • In the first half of 2022, the PVC export market increased year-on-year. In the first quarter, affected by the global economic recession and the epidemic, many domestic export companies indicated that the demand for external disks was relatively reduced. However, since the beginning of May, with the improvement of the epidemic situation and a series of measures introduced by the Chinese government to encourage economic recovery, the operating rate of domestic PVC production enterprises has been relatively high, the PVC export market has warmed up , ir padidėjo išorinių diskų paklausa. Skaičius rodo tam tikrą augimo tendenciją, o bendras rinkos rezultatai pagerėjo, palyginti su ankstesniu laikotarpiu.
  • Economical, versatile polyvinyl chloride (PVC, or vinyl) is used in a variety of applications in the building and construction, health care, electronics, automobile and other sectors, in products ranging from piping and siding, blood bags and tubing, to wire and cable insulation, windshield system components and more. ,
  • „Hainan“ perdirbimo įmonės milijonų tonų etileno ir rafinavimo plėtros projektas netrukus bus perduotas.

    „Hainan“ perdirbimo įmonės milijonų tonų etileno ir rafinavimo plėtros projektas netrukus bus perduotas.

    The Hainan Refining and Chemical Ethylene Project and the Refining Reconstruction and Expansion Project are located in Yangpu Economic Development Zone, with a total investment of more than 28 billion yuan. Iki šiol bendra statybos pažanga siekė 98%. Tikimasi, kad projektas bus baigtas ir pradės gaminti, jis padidins daugiau nei 100 milijardų juanių pasroviui. „Olefin“ žaliavos diversifikacija ir aukščiausios klasės forumas vyks Sanijoje liepos 27–28 d. Under the new situation, the development of large-scale projects such as PDH, and ethane cracking, the future trend of new technologies such as direct crude oil to olefins, and new generation of coal/methanol to olefins will be discussed. ,
  • Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) report in the recent journal Science Advances that they are developing a single-dose self-boosting vaccine. Po to, kai vakcina bus sušvirkšta į žmogaus kūną, ji gali būti paleista kelis kartus, nereikalaujant stiprintuvo šūvio. Tikimasi, kad naujoji vakcina bus naudojama nuo ligų, pradedant nuo tymų iki Covidid-19. It is reported that this new vaccine is made of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) particles. PLGA is a degradable functional polymer organic compound, which is non-toxic and has good biocompatibility. It has been approved for use in Implants, sutures, repair materials, etc. ​
  • Neseniai „Yuneng Chemical Company“ poliolefino centro LLDPE vienetas sėkmingai pagamino DFDA-7042, purškiamo polietileno produktą. Suprantama, kad purškiamas polietileno produktas yra produktas, gautas iš greito perdirbimo technologijos vystymosi. The special polyethylene material with spraying performance on the surface solves the problem of poor coloring performance of polyethylene and has high gloss. The product can be used in decoration and protection fields, suitable for children's products, vehicle interiors, packaging materials, as well as large industrial and agricultural storage tanks, toys, road guardrails, etc., and the market prospect is very considerable. ,
  • Indijos draudimas dėl 19 vienkartinių plastikų paskatino pakeisti cigarečių pramonę. Iki liepos 1 d. Indijos cigarečių gamintojai pakeitė ankstesnę įprastą plastikinę pakuotę į biologiškai skaidomą plastikinę pakuotę. The Tobacco Institute of India (TII) claims that their members have been converted and the biodegradable plastics used meet international standards, as well as the recently issued BIS standard. They also claim that the biodegradation of biodegradable plastics begins in contact with the soil and naturally biodegrades in composting without stressing solid waste collection and recycling systems.
  • In the first half of 2022, the domestic calcium carbide market did not continue the wide fluctuation trend in 2021. The overall market was near the cost line, and it was subject to fluctuations and adjustments due to the impact of raw materials, supply and demand, and downstream conditions. In the first half of the year, there was no new expansion capacity of domestic calcium carbide method PVC plants, and the increase in calcium carbide market demand was limited. „Chlor-alkali“ įmonėms, kurios perka kalcio karbidą, sunku ilgą laiką išlaikyti stabilią apkrovą.